Loan Calculator
Secured loan calculator
Feel free to use our interactive secured loan calculator. Before deciding
to apply for a loan some homeowners find it useful to understand the approximate
cost of borrowing in terms of the monthly cost and the interest which
is being charged. This is especially useful for homeowners who work to
a monthly budget by knowing what their outgoings are such as household
bills and mortgage payments versus income received.
To use the loan calculator simply enter the amount you wish to borrow
and select a repayment period using the drop down menu. Then enter the
interest rate and press the calculate button. The results are calculated
using the generic compound interest formulae and show the monthly repayment
and the monthly interest charged by the lender. For comparison purposes,
which some find useful, an alternative monthly repayment figure is displayed
below assuming an interest rate of 5.5% is charged.
Remember, this online calculator tool should be used as a guide only and
some lenders will often build in Payment Protection Insurance or (PPI)
in addition to possible secured loan application fees. Therefore, the
actual monthly repayment amount in reality could be higher.
Monthly loan payments calculator